Thursday 10 March 2016

Stock delivery day

We are often asked where we get all our stock from. No simple answer! When we set up the traditional sweet shops we set ourselves the task of sourcing sweets as close to the taste that we all remembered. There are many manufactures producing sweets, but many are cheap copies. So we tried hard to find the old fashioned companies and in most cases we did. It did mean a lot of sampling sweets - hence my exercise class at the local college each week.
Traditional sweets hold many nostalgic memories so we need people to be able to pop one in their mouth and instantly be transported back in time.
Thursday is our big stocking up day, so the shop is full of bags of sweets waiting to be logged in and put into jars. Its also the day when I eat too many sweets!
Today is no exception, there are bags of  Liquorice, toffees, fizzy and jelly sweets as well as the old favourites Sherbet Lemons, Chocolate limes and of course white mice.
Sweets can easily be tainted or lose their quality so we never keep a large stock in, preferring to have fresh in each week, which can be a juggling act, knowing what people will buy in the week to come.