Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter

By now you will have all been tucking into your Chocolate Easter eggs. There are many myths and stories about the Chocolate Easter egg depending on which book or website you read as well as your spiritual beliefs.
It has been great to see so many people out and about this week and the weather has started to pick up making us all feel that spring and more so summer is on the way.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

All ready for Easter

While we don't sell Easter eggs, we certainly have been busy in all three shops preparing gift bags and hampers as that special Easter gift. Our new sweetie assistant in Helmsley, Katie has had a busy first few days and met many of our regular customers making their first visit of the year to Helmsley.
Harrogate has sold lots of chocolate letters and numbers as well as the lactose free Easter eggs. At Ripon we are wowing new customers who are arriving for the Easter break and seeing the shop for the first time.

Today there was an interesting tweet from Ampleforth Abbey (5 mins from the Helmsley Shop). It asked why today is known as "Spy Wednesday". I had no idea and had to go onto their link to find out why.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Ampleforth Cider

Took time out yesterday to visit a local abbey and taste the cider they produce. Ampleforth Abbey. It was very interesting and excellent value for money. A potted history of the Abbey and School was followed by a tour round the cider production area, where the process was explained in great detail. The sun popped out as we wandered in the orchard, learning about the great apple varieties there are - not just the 6 or so the supermarkets sell, but a who array of old and new varieties.
Then a short presentation followed by a very nice lunch (including apple cake) and sampling of the cider, beer and the apple brandy....very nice indeed. It really is worth booking on to one of these days as the knowledge and enthusiasm by Cameron is infectious. We went away wanting to plant Apple trees..

Sunday 15 March 2015

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers day to all the mums. Sometimes its not easy juggling work, children and the  daily demands of life where ever we live so its nice to have a day to say thank you. I had two lovely children in yesterday with their grandma. The y had emptied their piggy bank into a bag and wantec to buy something for their mum. We counted all the change and there was £2. They both knew which sweets their mum liked so we created a bag with ribbons on for her. It touched me and re enforcement the old saying that its the thought that counts, not the amount of money spent.

Friday 13 March 2015

Red nose day

We've all got our red noses and jumpers on today. Have watched the Strictly peoples special and the clinic build in uganda with lenny henry and been blown away by how people cope with adversity. All the shops are collecting odd bits of change from customers to pay over to Comic Relief for all the great work they do.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Chocolate Mice

Whoops, forgot the scrummy fair trade Chocolate Mice. All are made by Choc Affair.
We have some fabulous Chocolate bars in stock now at all three shops. I can recommend the Orange and Geranium, the dark chocolate and peppermint, the caramel, the rhubarb, the rose and raspberry.....well actually all of them! We also have chocolate wellies and cupcakes as well as smaller lollies and Harrogate has chocolate alphabet letters. All are made by a artisan chocolate company near to York.
Its my turn to work in Helmsley this week due to staff holidays. Had a great conversation with a gentleman about the undercover sweet factories in the war that were munitions factories and how it turned all the staff yellow.
We love to hear your stories and memories of sweets, perhaps one day we will get round to writing them all down.